Wednesday, December 20, 2006


The following is a comment we got this morning...if you haven't already read it...take a looksy:

I've been a frequent reader of this blog for a while, finding it funny, touching and interesting. But lately I haven't check it much because of the attn whores, looser trolls that are annoying and repulsive, having nothing better to do than state to online strangers what they wouldn't dare to say to strangers on the street.

I've also grown a bit tired of the fatty girls, not of them exactly, I should say, but of their obsessiveness and then their whining and their pessimism towards their goals. I don't believe in diets, I believe that fat can indeed equal healthy, I also believe that one should do with one's body what one wants. But with the fatties...yeah, it's come to a point where I've said: Enough.

And it came today, upon seeing the amount of disrespect some of their brightest fans endured - upon seeing how the McGees have allowed trolls and regular a*holes to leave their crap all over the comments section.

Shame on you McGees. Shame on you for disrespecting your readers this way, for allowing pathetic nothing-better-going-on-in-their-life trolls to poop all the place, for allowing disrespect of this nature.

Your credibility has seriously been dwindling with every whine and moan after your binges. Your credibility I think took a serious toll after you allowed pathetic posters to run away with the comments section.

Good Job.

You've lost one more of your faithful readers, but are left with about 10 new trolls. Your logic and loyalty is as good as your diets.

And what do I, Emily, have to say about this? YAWN. And now, I will make my rebuttal!

I've been a frequent reader of this blog for a while, finding it funny, touching and interesting. But lately I haven't check it much because of the attn whores, looser trolls that are annoying and repulsive, having nothing better to do than state to online strangers what they wouldn't dare to say to strangers on the street.

Funny, touching and interesting...stop it, you're making me blush!

I've also grown a bit tired of the fatty girls, not of them exactly, I should say, but of their obsessiveness and then their whining and their pessimism towards their goals. I don't believe in diets, I believe that fat can indeed equal healthy, I also believe that one should do with one's body what one wants. But with the fatties...yeah, it's come to a point where I've said: Enough.

I can do with my body what I want to? Thanks...appreciate it...and my body has chosen to have a blog with my best friend where I can laugh, tell funny stories and sometimes, yes, sometimes, complain about crap. Show me the person who doesn't complain about something and I will buy them diamonds! Fancy!

And it came today, upon seeing the amount of disrespect some of their brightest fans endured - upon seeing how the McGees have allowed trolls and regular a*holes to leave their crap all over the comments section.

Allowing trolls and regular assholes to leave crap all over comment sections eh? Hmm...well, I guess showing others enough respect to express their opinions, even if they don't reciprocate that same respect back, is a bad thing? From now on, I will never let Republicans, Scientologists or Marxists ever tell me their opinions...because certainly I have now learned that if you don't agree with something, erase it and ban it!

Shame on you McGees. Shame on you for disrespecting your readers this way, for allowing pathetic nothing-better-going-on-in-their-life trolls to poop all the place, for allowing disrespect of this nature.

Seriously now...really? Shame on us? Because we were the ones who fed the trolls? We honestly have just tried to just ignore not acknowledging them. Yes, sometimes, (ie The Tucker Max Escapade), we do play along...but, come on. Sometimes, even though they lack the same respect that we feel we all obtain, they spark interesting conversations and if you don't want hear it, don't read the comment section or just ignore what they have to say...they will go away. Though, don't you find it funny that they read a blog about being fat, when they hate fatties? I just know they are writing that mean stuff with tube of cookie dough in their hand...I just know it!

Your credibility has seriously been dwindling with every whine and moan after your binges. Your credibility I think took a serious toll after you allowed pathetic posters to run away with the comments section.

Credibility? As what? Fat girls? Because, besides having lives, that's what we are...fat girls...and you know what comes with the life of a fat girl, at least in our case, binges, bad days, days where we don't like ourselves because we chose to eat a burger instead of going for a walk. And what do I call that? I call that REAL. I call that life. I do call that credibility as fat, 20 something year old girls trying to live their life the best way they know how to at this point. As far as the comments section running amok, well, we don't control the comment sections...those are for comments...we control the part where we write little diddies about our personal lives. Oy!

Good job.


You've lost one more of your faithful readers, but are left with about 10 new trolls. Your logic and loyalty is as good as your diets.

Well, that does make us sad. We don't want to lose readers...because we like you. All of you. Even the mean trolls who shouldn't be so mean. We're full of love. Hey, maybe we're not fat with fat, we're fat with love!

Basically, we do apologize if people get their feelings hurt here. It is not the intention of this blog. I wish the comments were nicer, that people who have no interest in what we write would find a blog that suits their needs more, but we can't control that, and we're not about to censor people. So, to the trolls, feel free to express your opinions any way you would like, but think twice about the type of person you are being when you tell people, who you obviously don't agree with, that they are fat and that they are losers.

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will never hurt us because, and I truly believe this, we're all pretty good people, and ideally, that is all that should matter.


Anonymous said...

McGee's, you are awesome. I'll support you forever!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I applaud you for not censoring the comments section - sometimes the discussions are very interesting, sometimes they're assinine and sometimes they're just plain hilarious!

OK, confession time. I will admit that I have on occasion posted comments that may be construed as "fat-hating" - and no, I don't eat cookie dough! Now I don't hate fat people per se, in fact I used to be one myself. I didn't hate myself when I was fat and I don't hate myself now. But looking back, I recognise I am angry with myself that I didn't lose the weight a lot sooner. So yeah, even non-fat people have issues about fat.

Anonymous said...

What she said ^^^^

Also, if you have lost a lot of weight yourself, when you hear other people going on about how much they want to lose weight, but make little or no effort to do so, you can't help thinking, 'If I can do it, why can't you?'

Anonymous said...


People are different. People's lives and issues are different. Even if you don't agree or support other's differences, you should respect them.

Anonymous said...

McGee's, you are still the best, most honest, and most real fat blogger I know. Huzzah to you both!

Anonymous said...

"Show me the person who doesn't complain about something and I will buy them diamonds! Fancy!"


Anonymous said...

I have to say that I agree with the original poster. This blog has become more about spreading hate than it is about being fat. I don't blame the fatty girls for that, of course it is my choice to read the comments.
In a way, I find it a clever way to expose the crap of society for what it is....let them hang themselves. They are just walking human fecal matter who are wildly insecure in themselves. So insecure that in order to feel better about themselves, they have to come to a fat blog and slam people they don't even know.
I guess for me its like witnessing a bloody car accident. I can't believe some of what I read....I can say, that since the Tucker Max people have been introduced to this site, they have never let up. They now proclaim to be proud trolls. Trolls are disgusting subhuman creatures that live under bridges. They are covered with warts and they stink. I have met live trolls, and believe me...they are ugly!!!!
There is enough hatred towards different segments of society,
( example: fat people) without this forum.
Allowing this to become a place where people can spew hate on others for no reason at all is sad. I have been with you girls since the beginning and now I have to say that this blog makes me feel horrible. It depresses me to see how angry some people really are.
I wish you the best of luck, EMily and Lindsay. I hope you meet that gorgeous jewish doctor. I hope all your wishes come true.
I wish you to have happy lives.
Thank you
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12.40 - You've met trolls in real life? Really? Are you sure you're not confusing real life with fairy stories?

Anonymous said...

They are just walking human fecal matter who are wildly insecure in themselves.

"Walking human fecal matter"? That's not you again, is it Puffy? I know how you love a scatalogical reference.

Anonymous said...

They are just walking human fecal matter who are wildly insecure in themselves.

"Walking human fecal matter"? That's not you again, is it Puffy? I know how you love a scatalogical reference.

Anonymous said...

actually, Im not buffpuff, but thank you for thinking so! ;)
Yes, I have met trolls in my life. Believe it or not, there are people who resemble trolls and behave like trolls. People who speak like trolls. Subhuman. Unenlightened. Uninformed. Angry and Hopeless.
I have had the misfortune of running into them from time to time. People like these haters are a dime a dozen. Cheap and on every corner. Cheap and plentiful unfortunately.
This blog demonstrates exactly how cheap and plentiful they are.

Anonymous said...

Bravo McGees. Glad to see free speech is alive and well somewhere. This blog - to me - is not a refuge, but a forum. I'm not here to avoid people's comments. People with differing opinions are your neighbors, your coworkers, strangers on the street. Yes, they DO think or say these kind of things. They're allowed to - mean though it may be. You've never had a mean thought? Bah! You DON'T have to believe them! You can't hide from them, nor should you. Get over yourselves. Live, love, and continue to talk about all the issues - good and bad - that come from being fat. THAT is real acceptance - of yourself and others.

There. Done. Off my soapbox now!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12.40 - You've met trolls in real life? Really? Are you sure you're not confusing real life with fairy stories?

Ever Heard of a metaphor? Or did you flunk grade school english?

Anonymous said...

Well done indeed McGees- I like your blog. I'm sure you can afford to lose one reader. You write very well, no emotional drivel, all well-drawn observation. If the commenter doesn't like it, she can make her own blog. Keep up with the blogging, tis most enjoyable. If there were no dissenters, it wouldn't be half the fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but--I think there's a huge difference between hearing out people that have a reasonable point of contention and who can articulate that opinion without resorting to nauseating self-righteousness or truly personal ad hominem attacks, and the trolls or snerts or whatever those annoying little cretins should be called. People can have differences of opinions without being trolls. Trolls do not have opinions. The excretions of trolls produce nothing constructive or enlightening and should not be given the benefit of being considered real opinions. I admire the Fatties for having the self-esteem to step over the troll poo currently polluting the comments section of their blog. I wish it were easier for me to ignore or laugh off, though. I spent too much of my childhood enduring comments from the trolls of the world to ever feel like I should take their venom without defending myself.

I guess it's ultimately harmless, but in blog-land, it feels like the equivalent of having some greasy little mouth-breather run up to you on the street and expose himself to you in a gorge-rising manner. I'd want the deviant to get rousted and wouldn't consider it an infringement on freedom of speech, movement or expression, et al, because it's perverse, sociopathic behavior, and society benefits from its being supressed.

Maybe visiting Fatty McBlog is like visiting NYC or some other big city. It's vibrant, it's alive, it's got big city flair--but if you're going to visit, you've got to put up with unsavory smells coming from the alleys--or something like that.

But, again, I do admire the Fatties for their commitmment to total openness, even if it makes me uncomfortable and want to scream at times . . . .

Anonymous said...

You know, people take themselves too seriously sometimes.

Your blog rocks. Keep up the love.

And, as one of the people brave enought to admit that I was lured here by the Tucker Max episode, I just want to say, I'm so glad I found this blog, regardless of how exactly that happened. I truly enjoy the stories and the writing.

Happy holidays and don't let the haters get y'all down.


Anonymous said...

This blog - to me - is not a refuge, but a forum. I'm not here to avoid people's comments. People with differing opinions are your neighbors, your coworkers, strangers on the street. Yes, they DO think or say these kind of things. They're allowed to - mean though it may be.

Great post, Connie!

Anonymous said...

I have commented on it in the past, and I'll say it again: keeping the forum section open is incredibly courageous and insightful. Yes, there are many posts by trolls, but I think on average the mindless ones are mostly ignored. On the other hand, you had a few posts by Lynn and others in the last post about how difficult surgery was on the obese. I really don't think something like that would ever make it to the comments section of BFB. And that's not protecting sensibilities, that's censorship.

If you don't like an open discussion - why are you here? There are plenty of places like BFB where you can be guaranteed that the only viewpoints you will have to encounter have been carefully screened and are guaranteed not to upset your ideology.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like an open discussion - why are you here? There are plenty of places like BFB where you can be guaranteed that the only viewpoints you will have to encounter have been carefully screened and are guaranteed not to upset your ideology.

Totally true! I appreciated Lynne's posts too.

Anonymous said...

This might be my first ever comment on this blog. I've been reading since this summer and pretty much stopped reading the comments entirely a few months ago--although I still read the blog entries themselves regularly. I admire the McGees for not feeding the trolls...not to mention being so up front and open about your issues. I talk about a lot of the same things on my own blog on another site, but it's locked specifically to avoid comments from anonymous jerks.

Anyway, just had to break my silence to throw in some support. I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Look heifers, why don't you go to Duke diet center or a fat farm for a couple months? Borrow money on loan if you need to?

You can live the biggest loser without being on tv.

Anonymous said...

I find it incredible that everyone has posted anonymously. I agree that the comments can be hurtful and have made me feel bad a few times. But, I make the choice to read them or not. It is my choice. It is my choice to make a decision to lose weight or not. If the "trolls" (definition: posters who remain anonymous and spew hateful crap) want to vent here and you allow them to, then so be it. I don't really care. I love your posts and have directed many a blogger over here. I am not ashamed to show my name. Just try and spew hateful shit on my site..i'll delete your ass.

Anonymous said...

Annnnd then there are those who miss th epoint completely...

Anonymous said...

That was in responce to 7:05, btw.

Anonymous said...

I find it incredible that everyone has posted anonymously.

Michele, I think we started posting anonymously after the trolls (in another thread) started making posts using other people's screen names. It got very annoying - not to mention confusing.

Anonymous said...

.because certainly I have now learned that if you don't agree with something, erase it and ban it!

I've said it before, but I love it that you don't censor the comments. I've learned a lot more from the comments on your blog than any other weight-related blog.

off-topic-p.s. wasn't one of you supposed to be on a cruise? What happened to that?

Anonymous said...

I actually think one of the best parts about the comments is having people with other opinions.
It much more interesting reading than having a bunch of sycophants repeat what you said (kind of like what I'm doing now I guess).

Even bitter assholes can say something useful (usually by accident) every once in a while; you just have to look for it.

Anonymous said...

This is still an eloquent, hilarious, and enjoyable blog. And like several commenters have stated, I applaud the free speech in the forum. It is true, these troll people *do* exist in real life. Sectioning oneself off is never healthy or realistic though, and if you censor such a forum, all you get is an unrealistic group of patting-on-the-back people and pity-partiers. And while these aren't necessarily bad as they are true opinions as well, if that's *all* there is, it gets nauseating.

If someone displays an obvious lack of IQ in their short, troll-like, verbal vomit posts, then take it for what it is: verbal vomit. Let it roll off your shoulders and laugh it off. Then you look back on even the most negative of scenarios and smile about something. It's healthier, too.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I love the title of this post?

Anonymous said...

If everybody was nice to fat people, what would change? Most people still wouldn't find it attractive. Would it just be easier to pretend that being overweight isn't your fault? That the amount of food you consume and the amount you burn through exercise doesn't count? That the majority of the normal weight population (under size 14) is somehow magically different? That obesity isn't a lifestyle choice?

And there is a difference between skinny and normal weight. And a difference between chubby and overweight. And overweight and obese.

Buttercup Rocks said...

Whereas being hateful to fat people brings about so much positive, societal change, doesn't it, 2.27?

Where someone with your own simplistic stance on fat is concerned I suspect the only thing that would change if society learned to be more respectful towards fat that you'd have to find some other group of social pariahs to slag off for fun.

Damn. I forgot. There aren't any other groups left.

K said...

This is a great post.

I don't see why people have a problem with you having a good therapeutic moan now and again. OK, maybe it's not strictly logical to moan about something which, theoretically, you could change, but it's hardly unusual. People moan about the place they live, their jobs, myriad little annoyances... it's mostly accepted that if they want to get rid of the annoyance, that's their decision.

And it's true of weight, too. I've done my fair share of moaning and doing nothing. A couple of years ago, I did decide to change my lifestyle, but it wasn't a road-to-Damascus moment, and it didn't happen because of mean comments from others, or even friendly advice. It was just the right moment.

I am not a different person now, or even skinny, just a bit fitter and a bit smaller. I like being fitter, but I wouldn't try to tell anyone else what to do with their lives. If you're going to do it, it has to be the right moment for you.

I like you girls and you make me laugh. Please keep not taking yourselves THAT seriously. (Obviously I wish nobody made comments out of pure meanness. But if people don't like them they don't have to read them... they could not click on the link, or just skim over bits they don't like the sound of - it's not a rule that you have to read it all!)

Anonymous said...

Count me as one who has lost interest in Fatty McBlog since the bullshit has begun. I'll drop in on occassion, but now it's more like once every few weeks rather than a few times a day. And then only to read what Em or Lindsey have written. I don't bother with the comment section at all.

I still post on other blogs that are similar to F McBlog. People there still post their opinions (and not all are pro-fat) but the main difference is that they remain civil and respectful to each other.

I think this all can be tracked back to the Tucker Max episode. Someone posted a link on the TM site to this site, someone here posted a link to the TM site..and then the verbal diarrhea began.

Anonymous said...

Scientists link weight to gut bacteria - Yahoo! News

Anonymous said...

anon at 6:09am - actually it goes back a bit further than Tucker Max. The authors posted an ad to craigslist to conduct a field survey, and that got distributed pretty far across the web. I believe that particular post garnered over twice the comments that Tucker Max ever did, and exposed the blog to a very wide audience.

This is from the "Giddy Up, Fatty" post of July 2005:

"But, what Linds and I love to do on craigslist is troll for boys. Half serious, half jokingly, we put up random posts about who we would like to meet."

If you want to keep things civil, asking for opinions on Craigslist is probably not the wisest move.

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome post. Screw those people that think that this blog is their personal forum, and why oh why aren't you moderating it to their liking? Some people need to learn that the earth actually revolved around the sun--not their personal wishes.

I love your posts--I love that you keep the comments open--and I love your attitudes.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I stopped logging in and using my name ages ago... some folks here are just too hateful. And I am one of the sane ones who doesn't diss others (respect, yo). I'll be anonymous here probably foreves... I am hot. I am not fat. I love reading the blog. The comments do get out of control at times. I still like to read it all though. I particularly get a kick out of the long-winders, the haters, the theorists, the fat-accepters... they are all so sure of themselves. But really, really for reals, nobody knows anything.

Anonymous said...

"Screw those people that think that this blog is their personal forum, and why oh why aren't you moderating it to their liking?"

A fine example of treating other people with respect. Expressing an opinion about moderation or lack thereof is as valid a comment about this blog as anything you've posted.

Anonymous said...

8:46-Not if the blog is not yours my friend. I'm not about to butt into your life and tell you what color to dye your hair, who you should be friends with, or what kind of job you should have.

So don't go around telling people how they should handle their own blogs.

The very fact that you're allowed to post about how you think someone elses blog should be moderated is a testament to the freedom that the authors allow on their comments.

And the fact that I can say you're full of it tickles me endlessly.

Anonymous said...

So, let's see. It's OK for you to butt in to tell other people how they should run their lives, but a person shouldn't make an argument for how to manage a blog? By your own logic, their life isn't your life. Don't tell other people how they should live theirs, which you love to do.

I actually admire the Fatties for their ability to ignore the hatred and radiate their love. But it's not for everybody, and I don't think that people who choose to moderate their blogs are guilty of intolerance or censorship.

"And the fact that I can say you're full of it tickles me endlessly."

Spoken like a true troll. Happy to provide you with some entertainment, which is your real reason for posting, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Erm...I'm not sure how you're reading my posts, but let me go ahead and assure you that your conclusions are totally off base. :)

My point is that I'm not telling you how to run your life. I'm saying you shouldn't tell others how to run theirs.

And I'm not saying that other people can't moderate their blogs. It's their blog. They can refuse all comments, moderate comments, or create a total free for all. The point is that it's the blogger's choice. People can complain all they want, but the complaints are misplaced because a personal blog is not a democracy.

If the girls decide tomorrow to turn off all comments, I'll support that decision too. (Although, because open comments happens to be my preference I like that their preferences match mine.) The point is not that open comments are the ONLY way to go, but that I'm supporting the girls in deciding what THEIR way to go is. They should not listen to whiners who aren't getting their way in what happens to be the girls' personal space. (For the most part.)

Umm...troll? I'm logged in under my own name, and I posted a supporting comment to the girls about a post they made. I wasn't the one who called me out.

Believe what you want if it makes you happy though.

Anonymous said...

buffpuff said:
Damn. I forgot. There aren't any other groups left.

You can't actually believe that fat people are the only group left that it is culturally acceptable to poke fun at?

How about, oh I don't know, white people, short people (as long as they aren't TOO short), christians, men, bald people, etc. Nobody cares if a white person is called a cracker or a honky, but if I use the word nigger people will gasp.
If a man is the butt of a joke, nobody cares, if a woman is the butt of the joke suddenly it is sexist.

I am not going to make an example for every group, but I could. You think that fat people are the only group that is still allowed to be ridiculed, but you don't see all the other groups that are also ridiculed on a daily basis, because you aren't part of those groups, you are part of the fat group, and I can only assume this, but you just don't care as much when it doesn't affect you.

That's human nature, we all want our problems addressed first.


Anonymous said...

u girls rock! thanks for the post and putting it like it is. hooray for free speech! i'll keep reading as long as you keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

I am with shortdave.

In addition, I am not sure that this post is meant to say f-all the terrible people who leave miserable comments here. It is an invitation to leave more..AND THAT IS OKAY!!!

In the end, who in goddamn hell really cares about what other people have to say about ANYTHING AT ALL?!

You can make yourself care, yes, but you really do not. And you can twist this around and make it sound like I am saying "if you really cared aboutwhat people think then you would lose weight." No no no...

Always be yourselves, for goodness sake.

Futhermore,the part of the comment section that annoys me the most are the people who make excuses, excuses, excuses. This is more offensive than the trolls! Either be yourself, or change. I don't want to hear your reasoning for why you are fat. Have a little pride for goodness sake. Be proud of your beauty....YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DEFEND OR EXPLAIN YOURSELF TO ANYONE!!!!!!

This blog is about reality, BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE. If these people hurt you so badly... IGNORE THEM, don't fuel the ignorance.

I consider the comments section entertainment, to be frank. The meanies come on here, get you all in a huff. I think folks ON BOTH SIDES enjoy it, to be honest.

Good job on this post. I have been reading your blog for a very long time and rarely comment. The comments here today have enraged me more than any idiot troll ever has. Here's to you McGee's for starting a real dialogue!

Thank you for consistently brightening my day with your excellent writing and wit.

Anonymous said...


I started to read your post, expecting to get angrier, but actually calmed down a bit. You articulated yourself well, and although you clearly think I'm off my cracker, you said it in a less confrontational manner than I've seen you use in the past.

Maybe I'm off base about calling you a troll. Certainly possible, and if I am, my apologies. It just seems that a lot of your posts (at least the ones I can remember right now) exhibit a mean streak and a lack of tolerance for anything that doesn't boil the weight problem down into the most simplistic of principles, and that anything that doesn't conform to your way of thinking is whining hogwash. If I'm characterizing that unfairly, forgive me for that too.

I do think it's wrong to to say that anyone who agrees with some of the complaints in the post that's the subject of this thread (and no, for the record, I didn't write it, and I wouldn't have, even if I agreed with some of the sentiments--I just wouldn't come back) should go screw themselves. Doesn't sound like much support for free speech there. Sounds like "free speech for everyone except for those who don't agree with me on this issue," which is what you're criticizing that person for, right?

Of course a personal blog isn't a democracy. Of course they can do whatever they want. But isn't it all about what kind of audience they want to have, or don't want to have? But if it's an open forum, why is it off base for someone to say that they're no longer enjoying a site they once enjoyed and to state the reason why? Someone in the audience said, "You know, this isn't for me anymore. Here's why, if you care." The Fatties said, "OK with us--if you don't like the atmosphere, we won't miss you in the audience."

Absolutely within their rights. ABSOLUTELY. And it's good for that person to know he/she won't be missed, too.

You know, it's not argument or the discussion of differences that bother me, in a lot of cases it's the tone and manner of expression. And the uninhibited frolicking of the true trolls. Would you want to go to a debate where there were nasty little children with nothing to share running around and throwing dirt at the speakers? Do they add to the debate or just detract from it? Discourse is one thing--a free-for-all is another. But yeah, I get that you and other people like the fact it's a free-for-all--it's your right.

And, of course, it's the Fattie's right to cultivate the audience they want. And it's their right to respond to the feedback with a big raspberry.

But if they've stated that complete openness is their objective, why is how they run their blog off limits? If those are the only unacceptable comments, maybe those comments should be moderated.

I still think it's brave for someone to say, "I love your writing, I love your attitude, but that's not enough to overcome the poison in the atmosphere for me any longer--thought you'd like to know."

I generally believe the same as you do about posting with my own name on other forums, but not here. Nu-uh.

People can give their opinions without being egomanicas(thinking the sun revolves around you)....

The anonymous who "called you out."

Anonymous said...

What poison in the atmosphere? Compared with some sites this one is positively fragrant. There are a few spiteful comments, but most people disagree courteously. If you are looking for a safe haven where no one is going to breathe a word of criticism, try BFB.

Anonymous said...

I think you're confusing me with someone else as I've made about--5 comments total on this blog and I can't remember that any of them had to do with weightloss. Wait--maybe 1 or two did--but they were about my personal experience; about why I personally decided to lose weight. I stressed that in my comments, as I know how many people would interpret that. (ie. OMG You think everyone should be like you! But I'm not--I'm different!)

The whole "screw the complainers" thing wasn't a comment meant to read: "their opinions are invalid and stupid" but instead a "Good on you for deciding for yourselves what to do in your space. Don't let anyone change your mind for you."

If the comment in question had politely read: "I love your posts, but I can't stand your comments." I wouldn't have responded so adamantely. But comments like: "Your logic and loyalty is as good as your diets." Are not an appeal to the intellect, or a logical talking through of ideas. It's a dirty, snide insult. That's where the "screw them" idea came from.

People who insult and whine shouldn't be pandered to, and I'm glad the girls didn't allow an anonymous insulter to change their view on what they want for their blog.

That's all.

Anonymous said...

I do find the atmosphere here in comments a bit poison. People are somewhat rude here and often jump down each other's throats. People are often not respectful. They often speak (I imagine) not in a way that they would if they were face-to-face. There is some bashing.

Though, there is a lot of point-counterpoint that is thoughtful. There have been some amazing backs-and forths here. But sometimes it degenerates in an unpleasant way. But, whatever.

That said, vive les open comments. Je les aimes.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, poppy, a "few" spiteful comments? There have been a lot of spiteful comments posted here in the last few months. Just look in the comments section of the last post if you need some examples.

I am not in the "Fat Acceptance" camp as I've seen it articulated in the comments section here aor at BFB and don't hold many of same beliefs as Paul, so to be honest, I rarely visit there. I actually stopped going there after an exchange he had with PastaQueen on her blog. I like it when there are a lot of reasonable people expressing different viewpoints rationally and respectfully. My issue isn't with legitimate disagreement itself--when it exists--it's with the actual means of discourse.

Allison, maybe I'm confusing your avatar with one I've seen used a lot here. If I was wrong, again, my apologies.

I guess it partially comes down to what your definition of "whine" is, doesn't it? I gathered that the issue everyone has with that person is that they were telling the blogger how to run the blog, not that the person made insulting personal comments to the McGees, which was, of course, unacceptable . . . .

Anonymous at 12:29

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are awesome, and the amount of cranky comments you get just solidifies the fact that you've got readers all over the world who can't seem to stop coming back for more! You're addictive!

Anonymous said...

I think you did confuse me. No worries.

The comment they posted was a pretty typical whiny comment. If you disagree then obviously that's the lynch pin in our entire misunderstanding. Stating your opinion is one thing, but to do it in a way that insults the blogger, or sets up an air of: you didn't do things my way so I'm taking my toys and going home! That to me signifies someone who has set unrealistic expectations of how blogs work and their personal importance.

Again, people are allowed to disagree about the way the blog is run. But I was specifically disagreeing with the comment that the girls wrote about. As I said I don't spend a whole lot of time on the comments, so the other comments in support of the idea (but perhaps not the expression) that the comment above espouses are lost on me. They may or may not be whiny.

Anonymous said...

Actually I should amend that statement. I don't spend a lot of time on the comments that I don't comment on myself. Usually I read posts, but unless I comment I don't usually look at what other people commented.

If I do comment I check in to see what other people are saying, and will respond if my comments are responded to. Which has happened 2 times now. Yippee! :B

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can someone remind me about the Paul and Pasta Queen's exchange? I do not remember it but maybe it was before my time.

Anonymous said...

fattie girls,

I'm going to have to agree with what the postee and some of the guests in here have to say. I don't think anyone is actually advocating censorship but CONTROL. And you've lost control of your comments section a long time ago. I don't see how a comment like: "hey, fatass, go eat another twinkie, go get a heart attack" contributes to dialogue. It doesn't in any way. Such comments actually contribute to less of a dialogue and more mud slinging. Opposing views are great, but both opposing and neutral/positive views are lost in all the rhubbish here. And the sad thing is that I don't think that you really care as long as you've got more people reading your blog. I've been getting the suspicion that you girls are a bit on the selfish side, but honestly I was too chicken to comment about it.I first noticed that you don't have links but have asked your readers to bring more people to your blog. Have you noticed how many people link to your blog? I guess you're too good to link to others...You have however linked a mean ex's blog in what I suspect was the intent to have your supporters leave rude comments on his blog. Which they did. You've asked your readers to contact The Biggest Loser on your behalf. You've linked to that jerk's tucker max's site, when they criticized you, and your readers went to your defense of course. Yet you don't feel the need to do anything for your audience, you don't see the need to control your comments section so that your faithful readers can feel free to truly interact and dialogue with you and each other. hhhmmmmmm

I've seen the quality of your readership diminish and your best fans leave. It's too bad you were too narrow-minded and yes - selfish, to let this happen.

A Losing Interest reader who used to read your blog regularly but now is reading it less and less...

Buttercup Rocks said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Buttercup Rocks said...

buffpuff said...
ShortDave, (if you're still reading), there is a substantial difference between "poking fun" and spewing hatred; I was responding to someone doing the latter.

And yes, actually, I do believe fat people are the last group it is socially acceptable to insult for sport. I equate size-related bigotry with racism, sexism and homophobia, all of which, like fat-bashing, used to be perfectly acceptable too.

I'm plenty of other things beside fat, you know. I'm white, female, Jewish and short to name but a few. I've a lot of short friends too, male and female, gay and straight. Many of us were teased anbout it growing up but show me a bunch of short people who suffer the kind of open hostility, intolerance and discrimination on the vast scale fat people face from a variety of quarters on an ungoing basis and I might not accuse you of being disingenuous.

Anonymous said...

can someone remind me about the Paul and Pasta Queen's exchange?


Anonymous said...

I've lurked at this site for a long while, and have always enjoyed the posts. I've alternately avoided and read the comments section, but if I'm upset I also recognize that I'm more sensitive than most on this issue. I posted recently but don't want to become the fussy girl with the links to medical journals, so I'll probably mostly lurk.

I agree there is a lot of discrimination based on weight. However, I hope that when people talk about it being the last frontier for acceptable discrimination they're speaking about the sphere they live in. As I understand it racism, sexism, and homophobia are alive and well in most countries. A few first world countries have progressed to saying it's not acceptable, but even then it's found in less than subtle ways.

I'm sure I don't need to drag horror stories of female mutilation and mass killings that happen in many third world countries on the basis of race and sex, do I? Or girls that are forced to eat to fit in a culture that wants obese women?

And really, it's perverse to have a scale of suffering anyway. Who wins here? It seems so ugly and indecent and petulant all at once, to vie for the title that no one should have to have.

Anonymous said...

haha.. this is incredible..

All the articulate/insightful people are still posting.. but the trolls have dropped out..

The Internet might be a bastion of malice, but this confirms my belief in free speech. If you let everyone scream as long as they want and as often as they want, ultimately nuggets of truth start to wash out of the muck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link to the FA discussion on PastaQueen's blog, anon@ 6.21. Very illuminating. I particularly liked the last comment - "And I'm sorry, that Paul dude is a Grade A, classic, chubby chaser fetisher." Couldn't have put it better myself!

Anonymous said...

2:27 - First of all, get your facts straight. Statistically, the average woman in the USA weighs 150lbs and is a size 16.

Secondly, PEOPLE: there is a bigger world out there than just those of us in America. There are many, many cultures out there and you know what? Quite a few of them believe that fat women are beautiful. Their bodies are worshipped for being bigger and curvier. In many countries, being fat is a sign of wealth because you have food in abundance.

Get off your high horse and take a look around. Everyone in this world struggles with something. Often times, more than one "something." Who do you think you are to judge and criticize? You should be ashamed of yourself!

Being a hateful, ignorant, ass to people who are overweight is just as disgusting as racism and bigotism and every other hate-related "ism" there is out there.

Perhaps you should change your perspective and stop stereotyping fat people. When I was 16 years old, I had to have my thyroid removed, completely. And I am now dependent on a supplemental hormone for the rest of my life.

While factors like the amount of sleep you get and how much stress you are under changes constantly, the level of hormone in my body stays the same. Having Hypothyroidism affects many, many, things but the one relevant to this discussion is METABOLISM. Mine doesn't work like the average person. It barely works at all.

And because of this, I am going to be a fluffy girl for the rest of my life. Should I hate myself and hate my life and be a miserable, frustrated, person because of it? Absolutely not.

Obesity is not always due to a "lifestyle" and very rarely do people decide, "OH! I want to be a fat person! That way I can be made fun of, be unable to do certain things because of my weight, and have to deal with egotistical, uninformed, assholes! YAY! My life will be SOOO much better if I am fat so let's start scarfing the McDonald's cheeseburgers!"

I think all the Trolls on this site need to put yourselves in others shoes and walk around for a bit. You might just learn something that will open up the small mind you obviously have.

And for the record, I happen to ADORE BuffPuff - I think she is an enlightened, open-minded, intelligent human being and I don't know why there is so much antagonism toward her.

Also, McGees, if you are all for non-censorship of comments, why are you singling one comment out and making an example of it? I've been reading this site since it started. And I'm not going to quit reading simply because of one post but if you're going to ignore the trolls, not respond to people's comments, etc. then why bother with one person's comment? I thought that was a bit out of line - especially given the fact that she did state some valid points.

But then... this is just one girl's opinion... take it for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Also, well said "another who's lost interest." You made some very valid points as well. I get the feeling at times that this blog is nothing more than a big joke to them and they get their rocks off by laughing at the comments that are generated.

I've always loved the humor that the posts have been written with. And the fact that they write openly about some of the issues that I deal with as a fluffy girl as well.

But damn... this entry and this comments section just hit a sore spot for some reason.

Anonymous said...

You know, I always thought some of the trolls on this blog were unusually mean, and then I was on a vegan blog (looking for gift ideas for a vegan friend), and there were a zillion comments from trolls that were like, "Just eat a fucking steak, you assholes!" So it helped me realize there are trolls everywhere. If you went to a blog for little people, there would undoubtedly be someone on there posting, "JUST BE TALLER, YOU FREAKS!!!"

Anonymous said...

And for the record, I happen to ADORE BuffPuff - I think she is an enlightened, open-minded, intelligent human being and I don't know why there is so much antagonism toward her.

Dearie, people hate Puffy because she's an aggressive, hate-filled, ill-informed bitch. And fat too.

Anonymous said...

and then I was on a vegan blog

completely off-topic: I've been looking for some good ones. Which one was that?

Anonymous said...

I actually really like buffpuff and respect most of what she says.

And yeah BP, I am still here, I read this blog all the time, I just don't comment very much.
I will still disagree with your statement that "fat people are the last group it is socially acceptable to insult for sport"
If somebody yells "hey fatty!" is that hate filled?

Random people that I don't know call me shorty/tiny all the time, is that hate filled?

People with low self esteem will try to attack anybody that seems vulnerable.

Again, I respect most of your opinions, but to say that only one group of people suffer from verbal and emotional attacks by other people is ludicrous.


Anonymous said...

ShortDave - BuffPuff believes that fat peope are the last group it's socially acceptable to discriminate against because it fuels her self-righteous anger on behalf of the fat. If she didn't have that, she might be forced to accept personal responsibility for her obesity. And we can't have that, can we?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the PastaQueen's link.

Anonymous said...

buff puff and princess, I can imagine that insensitive or insulting remarks from people you care about might be hurtful or destructive, but why would you or any other self-proclaimed fat person give about the opinions of total strangers who have never even met you? And as for fat people experiencing "open hostility, intolerance and discrimination on (a) vast scale" - what are you talking about? There are people in this world who are denied homes,education,legal representation and voting rights, some of whom are also pursued by mobs and beaten to death. But not because they are fat. The low-level sniping and media hype around obesity may annoying, even hurtful, but there's no comparison.

Anonymous said...

I have to applaud the McGees for not moderating the comments section. Sure, there has been a lot of mud-slinging but we have also had some interesting and informative discussions.

Compare that to Kate's blog. Since she started moderating the comments she's had exactly zero comments. Way to go, Kate! Now your blog is as popular as Buffpuff's!

Anonymous said...

Poppy: your argument would be legitimate if this was a blog about any of those other issues. However, it IS a blog about being fat and fat-related issues.

Also, have you ever been the butt end of discrimination because of your weight? Have you ever been shopping and a complete stranger yells, "1800 Jenny Craig you fat ass pig!" Well, I have and let me tell ya, it's not fun or pretty. Harassment and discrimination are what they are no matter what it is against. From your very own words, it would seem that racism is worse than bigotism or bigotism is worse than racism, etc. Who are you to put things in order of bad, worse, and worst?

Hate is hate and it comes in all forms. We don't give a rat's ass about their thoughts/opinions until they make it a personal problem by being deliberately cruel.

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling at times that this blog is nothing more than a big joke to them and they get their rocks off by laughing at the comments that are generated.

Um, it's a blog, not the UN, let's keep that in mind. And judging by the fact that their readership has doubled in the past year, they're probably doing something right.

[...] than bigotism or bigotism is worse than [...]

Dictionary, sweetie. The word is "bigotry".

Anonymous said...

Cheree, don't assume that I'm stupid or am unaware on how to use a word, much less spell it because of one mistake. It's called "heavy medication due to pneumonia."

So lets retract the claws, okay sweetie?

And yes, their readership HAD doubled. In case you didn't read through the comments I've left here, I've been reading them since the very beginning. I even commented on the fact that I won't quit reading just because of one post, that I find their entries humorous and they deal with a lot of issues blatantly that fat people go through. HOWEVER, the rest of what I said still stands. SOMETIMES, I do feel like that and since their blog is kept with open comments and no censorship, I can damn well post any opinion/thought/feeling I may have.

I am neither a troll, nor do I comment like one.

The first part of your comment is just fine if that's what YOU think/feel - although the comparison between a fat blog and a government agency was a little extreme. But whatever. The second part of your comment was you just trying to be a bitch so let's just agree to disagree and you back off of me for simply posting MY personal thoughts on this subject.


Anonymous said...

Princess - I just don't equate random dumbass rudeness, vile as it is, with harrassment and discrimination, still less with hate, except in the sense that people who behave that way probably hate everyone,including themselves. Name-calling isn't only directed at the fat, it's just the moron's reaction to anyone or anything outside its comfort zone.

Anonymous said...

Poppy: then I guess it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

And we all know that each person looks at something from a different point of view based on their own experiences, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc.

So like I said, let's just agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 11:45 That comment (left on Pastaqueen's blog) that you seem to admire about Paul being a fat chaser, fetishist, well in that case, I guess we can call some of you "thin fetishists" skinny chasers and thin obsessives. Let me correct your ignorance: Big Fat Blog aims at discussing instances of fat discrimination and disinformation in the media, and it does so without apologizing for its bias (in a sea of bias against fat). If you've read the comments section, not everyone agrees with Paul or each other, there are differing views and perspectives, but the goal is the same: respect, understanding.

Weight is an issue so touchy, so profound, so emotional for many that it is simply not reasonable to compare it to something like veganism! Fatties are discriminated because they carry their fat everywhere they go, it's visible, it's out there.

Can we stop grasping for things that don't exist. These comparisons to the "fat issues" that some of you are coming up with are ridiculous. Fat discrimation is real, it is something that can scar people, it's something that can leave self-esteems empty.

Can you honestly say that a smoker who has been told over and over again: "What a disgusting habit you have, I hope you get lung disease" feels the same as a fatty who has been told: "Hey lardass, you're disgusting, stop eating or you'll drop dead from a heart attack"? Oh and in case you don't have some logic and don't know your statistcs, only the smokers are in any risk of serious harm from their habit. Bad analogy, yeah, because food is not a habit, it's a necessity, and fat is only life-threatning in extreme cases, but some of you are into bad analogies.

If you care so much about other people's health - go pounce on smokers please. Yeah, we know, you guys don't really care about people's healthy and much less smokers...

And fatty mcgees, in your effort to be edgy and open, you've allowed your comments to become something really hateful. Believe it or not, you do stand to learn something from your readers. Learn this so that next time you ask a favor from all of us, you make sure that you actually deserve it, you make sure that you're OK to not feel the need to reciprocate in any way....

Anonymous said...

another_one: "Oh and in case you don't have some logic and don't know your statistcs, only the smokers are in any risk of serious harm from their habit."

So the 8 million studies linking obesity to everything from diabetes to Alzheimer's are all wrong? Would you please refer me to ONE credible statistician or doctor who thinks there's no link between obesity and disease? Hmm.. thought not..

Anonymous said...

Let me correct your ignorance: Big Fat Blog aims at discussing instances of fat discrimination and disinformation in the media, and it does so without apologizing for its bias (in a sea of bias against fat). If you've read the comments section, not everyone agrees with Paul or each other, there are differing views and perspectives, but the goal is the same: respect, understanding.

Please, there is no real diversity of views on BFB. Maybe an occasional debate over whether videos of sexy fat women are positive and empowering or sexist and objectifying, but when it comes to issues of fat, weight loss, and health, it's an echo chamber, and anyone who's less than 100% onboard with the program get booted immediately.

Can you honestly say that a smoker who has been told over and over again: "What a disgusting habit you have, I hope you get lung disease" feels the same as a fatty who has been told: "Hey lardass, you're disgusting, stop eating or you'll drop dead from a heart attack"? Oh and in case you don't have some logic and don't know your statistcs, only the smokers are in any risk of serious harm from their habit. Bad analogy, yeah, because food is not a habit, it's a necessity, and fat is only life-threatning in extreme cases, but some of you are into bad analogies.

Your analogy is also bad. If there were a "Smoking Acceptance Blog" that claimed smoking is healthy and people who don't like the smell of cigarette smoke are bigots, they'd get jeered at as much as the FA folks do or moreso. The difference is almost no one is stupid enough to claim that smoking isn't unhealthy. Smoking is framed as a civil rights issue and the right to make personal choices, but not even the tobacco companies nowadays deny that smoking is bad for you.

Anonymous said...

Please, there is no real diversity of views on BFB. Maybe an occasional debate over whether videos of sexy fat women are positive and empowering or sexist and objectifying, but when it comes to issues of fat, weight loss, and health, it's an echo chamber, and anyone who's less than 100% onboard with the program get booted immediately.

Ditto to that. See the recent discussion about an article by Susannah Jowitt called "Me, on a Diet? Fat Chance". Paul said it was really empowering, yada, yada, yada. Then a few readers, including our very own dear deluded Kate (Euterpist) said the article wasn't really supportive of fatties because the author distinguished between "good fatties" like herself (Jowitt) and "bad fatties" like Kate, who eats buttered popcorn and doesn't work out. Paul immediately backtracked and amended his opinion of the article from "Highly recommended" to "Fairly recommended". Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Can you honestly say that a smoker who has been told over and over again: "What a disgusting habit you have, I hope you get lung disease" feels the same as a fatty who has been told: "Hey lardass, you're disgusting, stop eating or you'll drop dead from a heart attack"?

I agree that such comments to fatties are upsetting, but sometimes, just sometimes, fatties HAVE been shamed into finally putting down the fork. And no - I'm not saying that people say such things to fatties to help them - just that shaming does sometimes work.

Buttercup Rocks said...

ShortDave, in response to your questions, “If somebody yells "hey fatty!" is that hate filled?
Random people that I don't know call me shorty/tiny all the time, is that hate filled?” my answer would be no, though such remarks could certainly be construed to be antisocial and/or motivated by some irrational dislike. They are simply – albeit crassly – stating the obvious, much as London construction workers are won’t to yell, “Cor, you’re a big girl, aintcha?!” at anything walking past their building site in possession of a pair of breasts.

Unlike fat, shortness is not commonly equated with panoply of negative character traits such as ignorance, stupidity, laziness, moral laxity, or bad personal hygiene. More crucially, the mainstream media does not uphold or promulgate such stereotypes, much less to the degree that they’re enshrined in public consciousness as immutable truths. Bigots cling to stereotypes as a means of rationalizing their hatred to themselves as well as to others. Most of the negative character traits I quoted have been used of various ethnic minorities to justify racism; similarly, 20 years ago, AIDS was dubbed “the gay plague”, despite affecting other sectors of society, by self righteous arseholes who pronounced it cosmic comeuppance for assumed amorality, social irresponsibility and “deviant” sexual practices not to their own personal liking. Of course, where fat is concerned, there is also assumed greed – and – on this blog at least – the belief that if someone advocates fat acceptance they are simply campaigning for the right to be extra-greedy without guilt. I suspect something along these lines lies behind pop_tart’s misguided belief s/he has the right to spout presumptuous crap at me concerning the abnegation of personal responsibility.

The existence of other forms of hatred does not negate sizism or alter its pernicious effect on society as a whole. I am by no means saying racism and homophobia don’t continue to blight society; obviously they do. However, it is generally and inarguably, considered profoundly unacceptable to perpetuate demeaning stereotypes or to air racist or homophobic views.

Anonymous said...

Of course, where fat is concerned, there is also assumed greed – and – on this blog at least – the belief that if someone advocates fat acceptance they are simply campaigning for the right to be extra-greedy without guilt. I suspect something along these lines lies behind pop_tart’s misguided belief s/he has the right to spout presumptuous crap at me concerning the abnegation of personal responsibility.

And the winner of today's reading comprehension test is... drumroll please... Puffy!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Puffy - I forgot to add that you, as evidenced by many of your posts on this blog, obviously feel that you have "the right to spout presumptuous crap" at other people. We don't want to be hypocritical now, do we?

Anonymous said...

London construction workers are won’t to yell,

Aren't you supposed to be a writer?
won't = will not
wont = inclined to
Hope you have a good proofreader.

Buttercup Rocks said...

Don't confuse writing with the ability to spell, Cherree. I'll happily admit I'm lousy at spelling, especially when writing in haste.

And pop_tart, don't play the wounded innocent, dear, it's most unbecoming.

Do have a pleasant Christmas, both of you.

Anonymous said...

Do have a pleasant Christmas, both of you.

Thanks, I guess, although I'm not exactly religious.
Happy belated Hanukkah, if you celebrate it, Fig.

Anonymous said...

I wish you guys posted more often - I love your posts!


Anonymous said...

Miaow! Puff certainly brings out the slugs around here.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not religious either, Cherree, more of a pick 'n' mix New Ager type but it's hard not to get suckered in by all the tinsel and fairy lights this time of year. Incidentally, I'm fascinated that someone who patently dislikes me would go to the bother finding out more about me. Suppose it's quite flattering really.

Anonymous said...

Well it's more the challenge than anything else. But it's also the fact that I'm curious about people who don't agree with me as much as those who do. I read books whose main characters I dislike, I know things about Hitler, Stalin etc. etc.
But yeah, anyway, you can take it as flattery, I would too.

Anonymous said...

Miaow! Puff certainly brings out the slugs around here.

Hey - Call me a bitch or call me a troll, but don't call me a slug!

Anonymous said...

I think he meant punches.

Anonymous said...

cherree, pop-fart, muffin and other fellow slugs,

Why have you made other people's weight your your problem?

Who the hell has give you any rights on other's lives?

What is so difficult to comprehend about: Minding your own business?????!!

Your mommies must have been some nosy ass, no-life bitches themselves to have produced such incredibly obnxious, trolly nosy offspring.

Anonymous said...

Have you read any of my comments? Who's weight is my problem?

Who the hell has give you any rights on other's lives?
Huh? Where did I tell anyone to lose weight?

Minding your own business?????!!
Do you understand the concept of a blog?

Anonymous said...

Do you understand the concept of a blog?

Bwah-ha-ha! Best laugh I've had all day!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...well, I guess showing others enough respect to express their opinions, even if they don't reciprocate that same respect back, is a bad thing?

Not bad just stupid, why put up with bigots and hypocrites?

Anonymous said...

Actually not stupid, just silly, regardless, that rebuttal wasn't a good rebuttal.

Anonymous said...

anon at 8:11am said: "Actually not stupid, just silly, regardless, that rebuttal wasn't a good rebuttal."

I rebut your rebuttal to the rebuttal of anon at 8:09am.

Joy - this thread has officially ended!

Happy New Year's everyone! I'm starting my drinking right now so I can hit that 0.40 BAC peak by tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

number 100 bitches!