Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Our love for new readers is broader than our asses

So, it seems like one of our readers decided to post a little diddy about us on a website called Tucker Max. I actually used to read Tucker Max while at work some two years ago...then I sort of grew bored of it and haven't been back since. The thing about him is, he's a self proclaimed asshole. I'm sure he's nice to some girls (like models), but mean to most when provoked. He's the type of guy to only "Do 10's". He hates fat girls...I'm sure you know the type. Most 14 year old's probably think he's a God.

So, this reader of ours "Jessica" put up our website on his message board saying all kinds of lovely about we demand empathy and whatnot and how gross it is that we say the things we say about our fatness. Thanks're a peach. Wish we had 12 just like ya.

So, you can visit the site and see all the things that guys who haven't been laid in years are saying about us horrible fat's utterly amazing.

Do we sound like 35 year old's with moldy boobs and elastic waists hiked over our bellies? Because that's the impression they have of us. We're fucking funny dammit! Have some respect for humor.

I think we should inundate their site with know, because they can't get enough of us. Let's give them some fat coodies.

Viva La Fatties!